Product update 6/27 - 7/3

Posted on July 3, 2015 by Patrick Sheegog

Invoice payment clean up, UI improvement, new site otw!


-We just launched our feature that allows you to apply payments to existing invoices and now those invoices can be auto reconciled. Just check the "auto-reconcile" button and they will be truly reconciled automatically!


-We've added some Oh, look here's an example of one! Tooltips are these things. They pop up when we want to show you more infotooltips. We're hoping they will help you through the pipe creation process. Thank you to feedback from users like Stephen at Pixy prints intagram photos and mails them to you ...did I mention we love tooltips?

-We're building a new website that's mobile friendly. Actually, the header for this update is from a draft of that new site. Look for that to launch in the next 4 weeks!

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